What Is Correlated Subquery...??
If the Subquery depends on the outer query for its values than that Subquery is called Correlated Subquery
First of create 2 Table Like
(1) Table Tbl_Product
create table Tbl_Product
Id int identity ,
Name varchar(500)
(2)Table Tbl_Product_Sales
create table Tbl_Product_Sales
Id int identity,
ProductId int,
Quntity int
Now Insert Record Into Table Like.
Insert Record As per Image Given Below Into Tbl_Product ..
Insert Record As per Image Given Below Into Tbl_Product_Sales ..
Now, How to Write SubQuery......(Show Example1, Example2)
select Id , Name from
Tbl_Product where Id NOT IN (select distinct ProductId from Tbl_Product_Sales )
select Name ,
(select SUM (Quntity) from Tbl_Product_Sales where ProductId = Tbl_Product .Id )as TotalQuantity
from Tbl_Product
By:- Arvind Kataria.
If the Subquery depends on the outer query for its values than that Subquery is called Correlated Subquery
First of create 2 Table Like
(1) Table Tbl_Product
create table Tbl_Product
Id int identity ,
Name varchar(500)
(2)Table Tbl_Product_Sales
create table Tbl_Product_Sales
Id int identity,
ProductId int,
Quntity int
Now Insert Record Into Table Like.
Insert Record As per Image Given Below Into Tbl_Product ..
Insert Record As per Image Given Below Into Tbl_Product_Sales ..
Now, How to Write SubQuery......(Show Example1, Example2)
select Id , Name from
Tbl_Product where Id NOT IN (select distinct ProductId from Tbl_Product_Sales )
select Name ,
(select SUM (Quntity) from Tbl_Product_Sales where ProductId = Tbl_Product .Id )as TotalQuantity
from Tbl_Product
By:- Arvind Kataria.